Category Uncategorized

Some New Help Topics

Question:Hello Ehcp! The installation was Successful and i want to access i from outside the network.I have set a rule on my router port forwarding port 8080 and my server Ip Address. But i try to login “Public Ip:8080” but…

Ehcp Demo

Demo link: Demo may be sometime down. This is a gui only demo. ftp and some other functions will not work. To see it better, you may run your copy of Ehcp Docker version. Let us know if you…

About testing versions

I usually name&put new ehcp testing versions at  The word “yeni” means “new”. If you either install this for testing purposes, or if you install because live other problems of previous versions, for all situations, this apply: that is testing…

Ehcp broken after upgrade, sites not working

This mostly due to you overwrite some config files during upgrade.Ideally, you should not overwrite config files, unless something very important exists inside new config files. To fix situation, try these: login to ehcp, options-> fix mail configuration.this fixes many…

About new Ehcp and some principles

Question: How can i get my hands on this? I would love to help test Answer: new ehcp’s usually at  may download and test it. it usually contains newer codes it should have version number which is greater than public…

Q & A : port 8080

Question: I need some help if it is possibleOn some server I have installed EHCP and it works great for this site I need on that serverbut there is 2 radiostream’s thats currently on port 8080 and port 8090this radio…

Upgrading Ehcp

* Backup your config.php* download new or stable or beta package of ehcp, extract it to same location (/var/www/new/ehcp)* restore your config.php* logout & login back* restart ehcp daemon: restart

Common daemon commands for Mysql

These are used from command line, when ehcp webbased gui is not accessible, or for any other reason. go to server console,mysql -p use ehcp; then: # reset to non-ssl mod all apache settings.update misc set value=’apache2′ where name=’webservertype’;update misc…

Email related problems and solutions

Most email problems are caused by non-clean ubuntu installs.Make sure you installed ubuntu freshly, and after, you installed ehcp directly. Some email problems may be fixed by ehcp gui->options->”fix mail config” While solving your problems, follow Howto Debug ehcp: and keep…