Minor Security Update for Ehcp

Ehcp is updated by fixing 2 security issues, (This vulnerability was discovered by Zhouyuan Yang of Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs)
Only Ehcp 18.04 and 0.38.6 versions updated. older ones need not update, we think.

Ehcp versions now:
http://ehcp.net/ehcp_1804.tgz -> version 18.04 for Ubuntu 18.04 (updated at 23.6.2018)
http://ehcp.net/ehcp_new.tgz -> version 0.38.5 for Ubuntu 16.04 and later (updated at 23.6.2018)
http://ehcp.net/ehcp_yeni.tgz -> same as above, same file
http://ehcp.net/ehcp_latest.tgz -> for Ubuntu’s older than 16.04
http://ehcp.net/ehcp_old.tgz -> same as above, same file

Basicly, there are 3 different versions:
– for Ubuntu 18.04, most up to date
– for Ubuntu 16.04, very close to above
– for older Ubuntu’s; functionality similar, a little bit older code.

Note that, starting with Ubuntu 18.04, we will follow Ubuntu versioning scheme, as ehcp is specifically designed and tested primarily in Ubuntu, and should work also in similar variants.

We did not change filename for for ehcp_latest.tgz etc, because many old install scripts and howtos/tutorials contain that filename. In future we can reshape this.