Category Troubleshooting

Access denied for user ‘ehcp’@’localhost’

Access denied for user ‘ehcp’@’localhost’ (using password: YES) This error may happen if you changed your ehcp mysql dbuser pass, either restore it, or change pass in config.php too, in /var/www/vhosts/ehcp dir, or alternatively, you may re-install ehcp. Question: I…

Mysql database issue and solution

We have noticed that, some mysql installations does not allow us to connect as root.So, we updated the installer to overcome that (Ver 0.37.10.b). Tha problem is described shortly at If you live problem in adding mysql db’s, in your existing…

Ehcp Password Recorvery

if you installed ehcp, and somehow forgot/lost your ehcp admin password, or it does not accept password follow these: Prerquisities:* You must be able to connect your server by ssh, and you know your root password of your server.if you…