Installing Ehcp in a virtualmachine on Ubuntu 19.04

Installing Ehcp in a virtualmachine in your destop (or even server), on Ubuntu version 19.04:

sudo apt install virtualbox
sudo apt install vagrant
mkdir ~/ehcp_vagrant
cd ~/ehcp_vagrant
vagrant init ubuntu/disco64
# Edit Vagrantfile, uncomment line with: “forwarded_port”, guest: 80, host: 8080, host_ip: “”
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
tar -zxf ehcp_1804.tgz
cd ehcp
./install # run & finish installation

You should be able to access Ehcp web interface at http://localhost:8080
this Ehcp instance is running inside a virtualbox/vagrant virtual machine.

# For an even faster unattended install, you may use:
./install unattended
# In this case, ehcp installs without prompting, with all default passwords of 1234

This way, we are testing Ehcp on Ubuntu 19.04

After finishing your work, you may delete this virtual machine/test using:
vagrant destroy

Same method also should work on Ubuntu 18.04