ehcp Version released

You may download&install new version as usual:

tar -zxvf ehcp_latest.tgz
cd ehcp
new with 0.29.15:
* new file structure for ehcp, more secure,
* roundcube
* some other..

I have tested this version in Ubuntu 10.04 and 9.10, this should also work on all versions ubuntu 7-10.04 (tested basic features.) if you encounter any bugs, go to on here:

new features in 0.29.13:
* email change pass in webmail/squirrelmail
* dynamic dns support directly in ehcp
* example ehcp api
* bulk add email
* email auto-reply directly in ehcp, no 3rd party software
* new default Ubuntu theme, by razvan
* new ftp and subdomain options
* a few bugfix, code cleanup
* add ftp under my ftp,
* add ftp with subdomain
* show similar functions under each operation.

To upgrade, follow

(i will update this features page to be more clear)

new features with version 0.29:
installer improved,
Bulk domain add - Add all domains in single step,
Add multiple domains to an ftp account,
Add domain to existing ftp account,
Add mysql db to existing mysql user and vise versa,
Domain redirect to an url
Advanced: Intro to multi-server concept, support for separate mysql server for users
Many minor bug-fixes and enhancements,
improvement to easy script installs, with 27 scripts/programs listed at
English, Spanish and Turkish files for default template included

new features for 0.27:
* Easy Script installs (one-click installs)
* custom http
* custom dns
* subdomains
* password protected domains
* email forwardings
* domain transfer to another user
* webftp (net2ftp)
* multiple templates
* security, installer improved

Existing features:

* Mangement of :domains, dns, email, ftp, mysql, phpmyadmin, webmail (squirrelmail), resellers, panelusers,
* Opensource, GPL, full php, object oriented, modular, easily modifiable/extendable design..
* server backup/restore,
* Different Menus for Server Admin, Reseller, domain admin