People who I should be thanking

While i surft the web, i found a blog of Antal István Miklós, an university student at

To be honest, i was surprised.. and honored..
This is almost the first blog/article about ehcp that was not written by me…

And he got the right point of ehcp.
he says:

While i surft the web, i found a blog of Antal István Miklós, an university student at

To be honest, i was surprised.. and honored..
This is almost the first blog/article about ehcp that was not written by me…

And he got the right point of ehcp.
he says:
(When I opened the site, I was delighted, the title was “Easy Hosting Control Panel for Ubuntu and alikes…- Free Fast Opensource web hosting control panel for your server”. Reading “ehcp is the first control panel in this field with its unique features such as: complete php based, object oriented, opensource and free. even install is using php, so it is extremely easy to learn and extensible.. ” afterwards really put a smile on my face.)

I congratulate you because you caught the main point of ehcp.. your ideas are very important for me.. Unfortunately, i was unable to take care of web site, as i take care of ehcp itself.. in future, maybe i deal with ehcp web site… maybe… In Turkish, there is an idiom: “Terzi sokugunu dikemez” meaning: “tailor cannot deal with his/her own tear !” My web site is like that.. (i switched to my new site now…)

anyway, you made on my face a smile too.. thank you.